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Why Choose a Bookkeeper Over an Accountant?

bookkeeper explaining business finances for growth

Written by Bindi Gethen

There’s something inherently terrifying about entrusting someone else with your business. It’s your brainchild – the product of countless sleepless nights, sacrifices, and hard-fought victories. You’ve poured your blood, sweat, and tears into it, so the thought of handing over any part of it to someone else is borderline terrifying. And when it comes to your finances, you might prefer to not even entertain the thought.

Yes, you might pull it off all by yourself, but at what cost? The stress? The burnout? The missed opportunities? There’s a better way: It starts with getting comfortable with the idea of outsourcing, particularly when it comes to your bookkeeping.

So why hire a bookkeeper instead of an accountant? It’s all about focus and detail. A bookkeeper’s role is to keep a precise record of daily transactions and financial activities, providing an up-to-date snapshot of your business’s financial health. An accountant, while essential in their own right for tasks like tax preparation and financial analysis, typically looks at your business’ finances from a higher-level, less detailed perspective.

Why hire a bookkeeper instead of an accountant?

Bookkeepers and accountants, though working under the same broad umbrella, serve different functions in the financial industry. The two may seem interchangeable at first glance, but they have nuanced differences that can significantly impact the trajectory of your business.

While the big picture of your company’s financial health is important, the devil is truly in the details. A bookkeeper helps you keep an eye on those details day in and day out, ensuring your business can make quick adjustments, avoid financial pitfalls, and maintain a steady course towards success.

A business in its infancy, or even one that’s scaling, may benefit more from the detailed orientation of a bookkeeper than the overarching view of an accountant. Bookkeepers, in essence, keep an eye on the granular day-to-day activities of your business. They double – no, quadruple – check that every cent your business earns or spends is meticulously tracked.

Accountants, on the other hand, are more like the eagle soaring above this landscape; they interpret, classify, and analyse the financial data, providing insight and strategic advice. It’s a difference of operational accuracy versus strategic foresight.

The choice between a bookkeeper and an accountant is not a mere flip-of-a-coin decision. It’s a strategic move that could mean the difference between a thriving business and one that sinks beneath the weight of its financial confusion. The decision, ultimately, is in your hands.

Related articles:

How Much Do Bookkeepers Charge in Australia?

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How to Hire the Right Bookkeeper: 5 Important Questions to Ask

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How can a bookkeeper help your business?

1. Save time, money, and energy

In the grand scheme of running a business, time, money, and energy are scarce and precious resources.

Every minute spent agonising over spreadsheets and invoices is a minute taken away from strategic decision-making or customer interaction. A bookkeeper takes the reins of these daily financial operations.

Imagine this: Each week, you devote a solid 5 hours tending to your company’s bookkeeping. That’s time you could use elsewhere, perhaps for strategy development, networking, or simply for that much-needed relaxation. By deciding to outsource your bookkeeping, you can reclaim those 5 precious hours.

Pro tip

Think of outsourcing your bookkeeping tasks as a personal time refund. It's not just about transferring responsibilities; it's about giving yourself the gift of time, to focus on what truly matters to you and your business.

2. Make better financial choices

Bookkeepers are detail-oriented professionals. With a bookkeeper by your side, you’re able to see exactly where your money is coming from and going to. This allows you to make informed, strategic decisions about expenditures, investments, and growth opportunities.

Imagine an e-commerce business that makes pricing decisions based on instinct rather than data. This would most likely cause them to underprice their services and miss out on potential profits. The correlation is clear.

3. Get answers about your money problems

As a business owner, money-related questions and uncertainties can keep you up at night. Wondering where the funds are leaking or why your profit margin isn’t where you want it to be can be both frustrating and disheartening.

A good bookkeeper takes the complex language of financial data and transforms it into an easily understandable format. They can highlight trends, pinpoint anomalies, and provide you with a comprehensive view of your financial situation, helping you understand your money problems and how to address them.

A 2023 report by Xero depicts how small business owners navigate the tricky seas of cash flow management. When the cash flow tide gets rough, small businesses are most likely to seek guidance from an accountant or bookkeeper (24% and 18% respectively). Clearly, the value of having someone capable of answering your money questions can’t be overstated.

4. Forget about taxes and audits

Taxes and audits are words that can send a shiver down any business owner’s spine. They’re complex, time-consuming, and, if mishandled, can result in significant penalties. However, with a bookkeeper, these daunting tasks can become a routine part of your business operations.

A bookkeeper makes certain that your financial records meet the legal requirements, reducing the likelihood of tax errors or audit issues.

5. Watch your business grow

At the end of the day, every business owner’s dream is to see their venture grow and flourish. Here’s where a bookkeeper can be instrumental. By providing accurate financial data, identifying trends, and ensuring legal compliance, a bookkeeper lays the foundation for sustainable business growth.

As they say, knowledge is power. With a bookkeeper, you have the knowledge, insights, and time to focus on what matters most – growing your business.

Looking for bookkeeping support?

We understand how daunting it can be to entrust someone with your financial records. It’s not just data in your eyes; it’s the hard-earned result of your sweat, tears, and ingenuity. But just as you’d trust a mechanic with your car or a doctor with your health, trusting a bookkeeping professional with your finances could be the difference between thriving and merely surviving in the world of business.

That’s why The Bookkeeping Studio exists. We’re not just in your accounts; we’re on your team. We’re here to make sure that finances aren’t one of your nightmares anymore. So take the leap, breathe easier, and let us handle the numbers of your business today.

bindi gethen

Hey, my name’s Bindi Gethen! I’m the founder of The Bookkeeping Studio in Australia. With over 15 years of experience in the industry, I have a deep understanding of the challenges that small and medium-sized business owners face when it comes to managing their finances.

I am passionate about empowering my clients with the financial information they need to succeed. My team and I pride ourselves on our commitment to exceptional value, accuracy, and confidentiality. Our virtual bookkeeping services include payroll, budgets, and management reporting, among others.

Not to toot our own horn, but we can assure you that you won’t find a bookkeeping partner like us anywhere else in the Southern Highlands.