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7 Reasons Why Bookkeepers Are Important

bookkeeper intently using a calculator and taking notes at her desk

Written by Bindi Gethen

Bookkeepers are like that friend who’s always nagging you about the little things, but when push comes to shove, you’re grateful they’re there. It’s all about keeping your financial house in order, even though it feels like a chore.

Every time you’re about to overspend, bookkeeping is that voice in your head saying, “Hey, remember your budget?” It’s like that friend who reminds you about stuff you’d rather forget – like how much you spent on take-out last month. Kind of a buzzkill but in a good way. Of course, it’s never a nice feeling to have a wake-up call, but you know deep in your heart that you need it.

So what are the benefits of bookkeeping? Vookkeeping helps you keep track of your money, see where it’s going, and decide if that’s really where you want it to be. In the long run, good bookkeeping can be the difference between being in the red or having some extra cash for that vacation you’ve been dreaming about.

  1. Track all financial transactions accurately
  2. Analyse spending patterns and revenues
  3. Ensure compliance with legal and tax obligations
  4. Report effectively to stakeholders
  5. Budget and plan for the future better
  6. Enhance relationships with vendors, banks, and investors
  7. Provide yourself peace of mind

What are the benefits of bookkeeping?

1. Track all financial transactions accurately

Imagine trying to remember every single expense or income without writing it down. It’s a recipe for chaos.

Proper bookkeeping gives you a photographic memory of your finances. Every bill paid, every sale made, every penny earned or spent gets recorded. This accuracy is crucial because it’s the foundation of your entire financial picture.

2. Analyse spending patterns and revenues

This is where bookkeeping turns from just recording stuff into something more insightful. It’s about noticing cash flow patterns. Maybe you’re spending a lot more on certain things than you realised, or perhaps there are revenue streams that are doing better than others.

3. Ensure compliance with legal and tax obligations

A tax misstep here can lead to penalties, audits, and legal issues. For your business, these could be financially crippling and damage your reputation. Taxes are a rulebook that you need to follow to the letter.

Pro tip

You do not want to deal with the headache of legal troubles.

4. Report effectively to stakeholders

This is about transparency and trust.

Whether it’s investors in a business or family members in a personal finance scenario, people want (and need) to know where their money is going. Proper bookkeeping is essential for attracting and maintaining investor confidence, securing loans, and making informed strategic decisions.

On a personal level, you’ll need to show your family where the budget stands and how future financial goals are being targeted. Poor reporting can lead to misunderstandings, mistrust, and misguided decisions. In contrast, good reporting illuminates the financial path and fosters confidence among all involved.

5. Budget and plan for the future better

Know your financial terrain – your income, expenses, peaks, and valleys. This way, you can plan for the future with greater confidence. Whether it’s saving for a big purchase, investing in new business opportunities, or simply ensuring you’re not spending more than you earn, bookkeeping lays the groundwork for sound financial planning.

6. Enhance relationships with vendors, banks, and investors

Just like in personal relationships, trust and reliability are key in business dealings. Accurate and timely bookkeeping helps build that trust. Your business becomes a safe bet.

For instance, when you pay vendors on time and accurately, it strengthens your relationship with them. They’re more likely to offer you favourable terms or priority service in the future.

Similarly, banks and investors rely on accurate financial records to assess your creditworthiness and the health of your investment. Solid bookkeeping presents a trustworthy image, making it easier to secure loans or investment capital.

Pro tip

People are more likely to lend you money when they trust you.

7. Provide yourself peace of mind

This is perhaps the most understated yet significant benefit.

Think about how stressful it can be when your finances are a mess. You’re unsure about your tax obligations, how much you owe, or even if you can afford certain expenses. A virtual bookkeeper takes that weight off your shoulders.

This is a big one. Managing finances, especially in a business, can be overwhelming. Good bookkeeping takes a lot of that stress away. It’s knowing that your financial records are accurate, that you’re prepared for tax season, and that you’re making informed decisions based on solid data.

This peace of mind is invaluable. It’s a sense of security and clarity that’s hard to beat.

What happens if you don’t get bookkeeping services?

Without keeping track of what’s coming in and going out, it’s easy to lose track of your finances.

One day you might realise, “Oops, I’ve been spending way more than I thought,” or even worse, tax time comes around, and you’re just staring at a pile of receipts and bank statements with no clue where to start. That’s a headache waiting to happen.

I gets even trickier. Miss paying a bill on time because you lost track? Your suppliers might not be too happy. Or imagine going to the bank for a loan, and they’re like, “Show us your financial records,” and you’ve got nothing solid to show. Not a good look.

Plus, there’s the stress of it all. Not knowing whether you’re actually making money, if you can afford to invest or splurge a bit – it’s like driving with a fogged-up windshield. You can’t see where you’re going, which is pretty nerve-wracking.

And in the worst-case scenario, you could even land in hot water legally if you accidentally mess up your finances big time.

Skipping out on bookkeeping is like skipping out on keeping your life organized. It might seem okay for a while, but eventually, things could get pretty chaotic.

Frequently Asked Questions

Is it better for my business to hire a bookkeeper or use bookkeeping software?

It boils down to what you need and how much you want to handle personally. If you’re swamped and can afford it, a bookkeeper could be a lifesaver. But if you’re just starting out or have a pretty straightforward setup, bookkeeping software might be all you need.

How often should I review my bookkeeping records?

You don’t want to wait until there’s a problem to do it. How often you should check depends on a few things, like the size of your business and how much activity you’ve got going on. But here’s a general idea:

Weekly: This is good for keeping a close eye on your cash flow, especially if you’re running a small business. Weekly checks help you stay on top of things like unpaid invoices or unexpected expenses.

Monthly: You’ll want to review things like your profit and loss statement, balance sheet, and other financial reports. Think of it as your monthly financial health check-up.

Quarterly: This is especially important for planning and tax purposes. It’s a bit like a quarterly review at a job – you see what’s working, what’s not, and make adjustments for the next quarter.

Annually: You’re looking at the whole year, which is great for long-term planning. You can see the big picture of how your business did over the year, make plans for the next year, and get everything ready for tax season.

Your peace of mind is important. The Bookkeeping Studio gives you that.

No more squinting at a screen trying to make sense of your cash flow or expenses. With monthly bookkeeping services, you can move forward with your business decisions – big or small – knowing that the financial foundation underneath you is rock solid and meticulously looked after.

Think about it. With The Bookkeeping Studio handling your finances, those late nights poring over spreadsheets and receipts become a thing of the past. It’s like finally having someone to turn off that part of your brain that’s always buzzing with numbers and “what-ifs”.

Give yourself some well-deserved downtime today.

bindi gethen

Hey, my name’s Bindi Gethen! I’m the founder of The Bookkeeping Studio in Australia. With over 15 years of experience in the industry, I have a deep understanding of the challenges that small and medium-sized business owners face when it comes to managing their finances.

I am passionate about empowering my clients with the financial information they need to succeed. My team and I pride ourselves on our commitment to exceptional value, accuracy, and confidentiality. Our virtual bookkeeping services include payroll, budgets, and management reporting, among others.

Not to toot our own horn, but we can assure you that you won’t find a bookkeeping partner like us anywhere else in the Southern Highlands.