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How to Hire the Right Bookkeeper: 5 Important Questions to Ask

How to Write a Simple Business Plan | Asutralia

Published on May 22, 2023
In any business, regardless of industry, asking the right questions can be the difference between success and failure. The same idea applies for getting the right people to handle your finances. You wouldn’t want someone inexperienced to manage your budget, taxes, and books. So what questions should you ask when hiring a bookkeeper? To find that perfect match, you need to learn the art of asking thoughtful and targeted questions that dive deep into a candidate’s experience, personality, and capabilities. This is our recommended interview process: icebreaker questions, assessment of qualifications, technical expertise, references, and soft skills evaluation. Most importantly, you need to make sure that the candidate also shares your vision and values.

How to Hire a Bookkeeper: Questions to Ask

1. “Break the Ice” Questions

Start off the conversation with some light-hearted questions. Everyone involved should feel comfortable talking. A relaxed environment can also make it easier for the candidate to open up and reveal their true personality.

  • How did you get into bookkeeping?
  • What do you find challenging about your field?
  • Where do you see yourself in the future?
  • Do you have any personal interests or hobbies?

Gauge the candidate’s motivations and long-term goals. You may also discuss bookkeeping software preferences to determine if they are familiar with the systems your business uses or if additional training will be necessary.

2. Why Should I Hire You?

It’s time to dive deeper into their qualifications and see how they differentiate themselves from the rest. For every question, request concrete examples to back up their answers. Focus on their approach to problem-solving.
  • What skills and strengths do you bring to the table?
  • Could you walk us through your thought process when it comes to handling errors and correcting mistakes?
  • How have you worked on your professional development?
  • When working with other departments, how do you propose to manage competing priorities?
Related article: How Much Do Bookkeepers Charge in Australia?

3. Technical Bookkeeping Expertise Questions

Next, evaluate the candidate’s technical knowledge in bookkeeping, your industry, and regulations. You want someone who really knows their stuff. They should also have a solid foundation in accounting principles.
  • How have you supported a company’s goals through financial reporting and analysis?
  • Do you have experience filing taxes for businesses in a similar industry?
  • What do you know about tax laws in [industry] and in [country]?
  • How have you helped prevent or detect fraud in previous roles?
Related articles:Is Bookkeeping Same as Accounting?What Does an Accountant Do? | The Bookkeeping Studio

4. Ask for References

It’s natural (and expected) for a candidate to present themselves in the best light during an interview.

So if possible, request for at least two to three references (e.g., previous employers, supervisors, coworkers, clients) from the candidate, so that you can verify their skills and experience. This allows you to gain an unbiased perspective on the candidate’s performance, work ethic, and attitude.

5. Soft Skills Evaluation

This is one of the most underrated aspects of the hiring process. You also need to evaluate the candidate’s ability to work effectively with your team and how they manage the challenges that arise in their role.

  • What are your strategies for staying organised and managing deadlines, especially during busy periods like tax season?
  • Bookkeeping can be a demanding role, with tight deadlines and high-stakes decisions. How do you handle stress?
  • How have you exercised critical thinking in your job?
  • Discuss a complex financial topic in a clear and concise manner.

Schedule a Discovery Session With The Bookkeeping Studio

Hiring a bookkeeper is a critical decision for any business. A good bookkeeper not only manages your finances but also contributes to the overall success of your company. By focusing on the five key areas discussed in this article, you can confidently identify a candidate who meets your specific needs and shares your vision.

The thing is, hiring and training an in-house bookkeeper can be expensive. If you’re looking to save time and money in the long-run, you can try the virtual bookkeeping services of The Bookkeeping Studios in Australia’s Southern Highlands. We make sure that every dollar of yours is well-spent. Schedule a discovery call today.

bindi gethen

Hey, my name’s Bindi Gethen! I’m the founder of The Bookkeeping Studio in Australia. With over 15 years of experience in the industry, I have a deep understanding of the challenges that small and medium-sized business owners face when it comes to managing their finances.

I am passionate about empowering my clients with the financial information they need to succeed. My team and I pride ourselves on our commitment to exceptional value, accuracy, and confidentiality. Our virtual bookkeeping services include payroll, budgets, and management reporting, among others.

Not to toot our own horn, but we can assure you that you won’t find a bookkeeping partner like us anywhere else in the Southern Highlands.